Married to Mrs Right
So, its finally happened. I am finally married. I'd thought about this moment for a very long time and had felt a variety of emotions. Sometimes I had thought that I would probably jump for joy, while some other times, based on hormonal shifts in balance, I felt I would probably be depressed at being tied down before achieving (optimistically!) the proverbial full flight.
But actually being there, getting married was something different. Firstly, I did not get a chance to think. Function followed function,
mantra followed
mantra, friend followed friend, well-wisher followed well-wisher and the first opportunity I got to think about my new married state was well after I had shaken hands and accepted the wishes of 1200 people in the glitzy reception. In fact, the first introspections only began after the rushed honeymoon to Australia had been completed.
And the feeling was not similar to anything that I had ever expected. While, for the record, it has still not sunk in... the feeling I got was of peaceful happiness, the kind of feeling you get when you know that you were right all along. I realized that making the right choice, and more importantly - being the right choice - were the two crucial things that had happened between Poonam and me.
Anyways, the parties are over... reality begins again. Will post the photographs on the blog soon.