The Cosmopolite
Monday, October 16, 2006
  Flight to nowhere
Last weekend, I watched "United 93", a very realistic and heart-rending/warming story of the passengers of that ill-fated flight, which was hijacked by the people of the same group that caused the September 11 attack. However, this plane did not end up in one of the US's national monuments, primarily because the passengers, knowing that the WTC towers had been attacked, decided to counter-attack and disarm the hijackers. The plane eventually crashed in Pennsylvania killing all the passengers and terrorists.

The movie is very well made - it is entirely made with a hand camera, which provides a very realistic feel to the entire film. The movie also highlights the lapses in co-ordination between the CIA and the Pentagon and, of course, the President. And most importantly, it highlights human nature. It highlights that unarmed, weak and therefore meek passengers can perform extra-ordinary feats of bravery while the designated army and administration personnel bungle on the job.

A must-watch
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