Starting trouble
I've been egging myself on for the past 3-4 days to post my first 'real' post on the blog but have not managed to come up with anything substantial. Which is not to say that I've not had any ideas... I've had plenty but the same fickle mind which keeps egging me on also keeps rejecting my ideas.
"No... that’s too personal, no one... apart from myself... would want to read that" - I thought after writing about 8 lines on 'Finally... a vacation of substance'. "You got to be kidding" - I thought after writing about 12 lines on 'Google beats analysts earnings expectations again' (I can almost hear some of you saying the same comment that I thought!) and finally today morning I thought I had finally cracked it before I ran out of ideas after about half a page on 'The wild wild web - Should blogging be regulated?'.
Finally, I think I've nailed it - my first blog is gonna be about my inability to write the ideal first blog! I don't know what everyone thinks but I think this is quite smart of me. So, officially, am welcoming myself to the blogging world.
Anyways, this 'starting trouble', as I like to call it, is a phenomenon which I've faced frequently in the past. But as I am finally doing now, I've also realized that the best way to deal with it is to just... start - somewhere, anywhere. I used to be afraid of speaking in public, and one day I just decided to begin. I was abysmal the first time, but now I can't keep my trap shut. I used to be scared of speaking to strange beautiful women, so one day I just decided to break the ice with a new babe in college and... my fear increased!! But a odd setback aside my technique has usually worked.
So, I've begun my blogging journey... and am sure everyone would hear a lot of me - whether they wish or not.
Welcome to the Blog
Hello everyone!!
The title is inspired by a O Henry short story "A Cosmopolite in a Cafe" and will remain true to its name. The blog will have a cosmopolitan theme and the range of topics discussed will be truly cosmopolitan - from Mickey Mouse to Jacques Chirac and from Middle-eastern wars to Calvin and Hobbes.
Welcome to the blog!!
- Tushar Thakkar